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Last Chance for 30% OFF! F 3/6 Asia Business Conference 11:30 am to 6 pm S.F. Marriott Union Square

From: Rob
Sent on: Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 9:54 AM

This event is organized by The Haas School of Business  -  University of California, Berkeley.

Our meetup group is collaborating by promoting this event.

There is a cover charge for this event.

In order to attend, you must register and pay here:

Our meetup members get 30%  off!

Interested in the latest trends in business in Asia and how top US firms are responding?

Join 200+ students and professionals at this flagship UC Berkeley conference, now in its 15th year.

Two insightful panels, keynote remarks, a fireside chat, and networking with drinks included—all packed into a half-day.


Learn from experts at firms like LinkedIn, Evernote, and Houzz on how they launched and scaled across Asia.

Take the pulse of innovation in the region with investors from prominent VC firms and accelerators such as 500 Startups.

Featured sessions include:

Keynote remarks from Thomas Clayton on scaling his Sequoia-backed social media start-up, Bubbly, across Asia.

  • Panels on Cross-Border Expansion and Investing in Asia.
  • Fireside chat with Linda Kozlowski on leading global expansion at Evernote.


For tickets and to see the  full agenda visit:

Our meetup members get 30%  off!



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