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Another opportunity for translation work...

From: Mai T.
Sent on: Thursday, March 11, 2010, 5:08 PM
Hi again,

I received another opportunity and am passing it along.

>Ezra writes:
>From my initial research there should be about 66 golf courses in Taiwan.
>We would do a contract pay of $150 for the completion of the project. "


Hello Mai,

My name is Ezra and I work for a local company here in San
Diego, L1 Technologies. I am reaching out to you because I am
looking for someone that can help me with a current project
that we are working on for (A division of L1
Technologies). We are trying to gather a database of all the
golf courses in Taiwan and need someone who can read Chinese
and help us research and gather this data in romanized format.

If you can help out that would be wonderful.

You can reach me at[masked] x 2388 or email me at
[address removed]

Thank you,
Ezra Ahn
Project Manager

L1 Technologies, Inc.
591 Camino de la Reina, Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92108
Tel:[masked], x2388
[address removed]

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