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Prelude to the BIG STUFF!

From: Bill P.
Sent on: Monday, October 3, 2016, 10:34 AM


I'm about to launch our Fall Opportunity Drawings wherein you'll be able to buy "tickets" toward drawings for some pretty amazing things, chief among them being a Hollis Hybrid ("recreational") Rebreather and a free spot on the Solitude I Palau live-aboard!

As I'm compiling all our prizes I'd like to ask you all to consider this:

  • Maybe you have a business with some merchandise or service we could raffle off for our event. Please contact me (Bill) and let's throw it/them into the mix.
  • Maybe you have some gently-used (or even new) scuba gear laying around the garage. Can we have it? It'll go toward a good cause!

Please help us make this Fall fund-raising event a huge success!

We're all volunteers here and this org is for you, by you, and of you. Take an ownership in Power Scuba's financial health for the coming year and put something great into the kitty.

Look for our Event pages to go live on Wednesday!

Supreme Benchwarmer (Bill)

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