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5 Reasons to Attend Our Volunteer Fair TOMORROW!

From: Selena
Sent on: Friday, April 28, 2017, 1:23 PM


One-Stop Volunteer Shop — We have 30+ nonprofits in one room with opportunities to get involved and support local causes. Visit with a variety of organizations, get familiar with what they are doing in the community and where help is needed.

Valuable Experience — Volunteering is a chance to learn something new and stretch your skill set. You may want to test the waters before a career change or inspire a new passion. Volunteering can also make you a stronger leader and build your network.

Ask an Expert — Not sure where to start volunteering? In addition to the nonprofit experts attending, we also have several volunteer service groups that will coordinate events for individuals, teens, or families to join.

Volunteering is Good — It’s also good for you, helping others reduces stress, can make you healthier and happier. When you focus on someone else it can be a satisfying distraction and improve your mood.

Donate Books to Kids — Serve KC will be collecting books for Reach Out and Reach at the Fair. Bring any children’s books to donate at the door, then stay and learn about other needs throughout the city.

When & Where to Go — Join us from 10am-1pm on Saturday, April 29th at Johnson County Central Resource Library, 9875 W 87th St, Overland Park, Kan. RSVP on Meetup, or just stop by.


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