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Serverless NYC w/Yan Cui

Photo of Wayne Scarano
Hosted By
Wayne S.
Serverless NYC w/Yan Cui


01:00pm-01:10pm ET - Welcome, Cloud/Serverless Introduction
Wayne Scarano,, Founder, Cloud Strategy/Architecture/Security

01:10pm-02:00pm ET - Serverless in production, lessons learned after 5 years
Yan Cui, AWS Serverless Hero
Serverless has changed the way we build software for the better. But it’s also a paradigm shift that challenges many of our pre-existing practices and habits, like how we test our code and how we monitor their health. In this session, Yan Cui will share many of the lessons he has learned from running serverless in production over the last five years. Including tips on testing, observability, and how to keep your AWS cost in check.
Bio: Yan is an experienced engineer who has run production workload at scale in AWS since 2010. He has been an architect and principal engineer in a variety of industries ranging from banking, e-commerce, sports streaming to mobile gaming. He has worked extensively with AWS Lambda in production since 2015. Nowadays, he splits his time between advancing the state of serverless observability as a Developer Advocate at and helping companies around the world adopt serverless as an independent consultant.
Yan is also an AWS Serverless Hero and a regular speaker at user groups and conferences internationally. He is the author of Production-Ready Serverless and co-author of Serverless Architectures on AWS, 2nd Edition, both by Manning. And he keeps an active blog at and hosts a serverless-focused podcast at

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Serverless NYC
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