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April/May Newsletter Published! (4/16/12)-33

From: Frank N
Sent on: Monday, April 16, 2012, 12:53 PM
Hello, Sidetrackers!  We've Published our April/May Newsletter.

Chris has published the April/May Newsletter and Calendar; they're both available now at

We hope you're really enjoying the many interesting Sidetrackers trips and activities.  Contact club leaders if you'd like to lead a trip or if you have suggestions and ideas.  Our next Planning Meeting is the best time to put an activity or event on our club Calendar, so mark your calendar and plan on joining us on Wednesday, June 6th, after our regular meeting to assemble our activities for the next three months.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend our planning meetings.

Meetup Certified!Don't forget that our next Regular Monthly Meeting is on Wednesday, May 2nd.  We'd like to see you there so you can meet our friendly group, hear reports from recent trips, learn about upcoming trips and activities, and sign up for more excitement and fun with Sidetrackers.  Remember to bring a friend.

See you in the great outdoors!

Frank's Signature

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Send email to Chris, our newsletter editor, by clicking here:  [address removed]
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Send email to Frank, our web guy, by clicking here:  [address removed]

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