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Mrs. Binibining Pilipinas Pageant 2012

From: Maria H.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 10:14 AM

Hello All,

One of our members Rochelle Dayao will participate in the 2012 Mrs. Binibing Pilipinas Pageant on June 16, 2012 at the Marriott Hotel. If you would like to help her in defraying the cost in preparation for this event, you can purchase an ad donation or send your garage sale items to be included in the garage sale. For more information, contact Rochelle at (480)[masked] or connect with her on Facebook. Tickets for this event is on sale at $40 for adults and $20 for children. Contact Veronica Dacayo at[masked] for tickets.

Also, the Aegis Band - A Filipino Band in Phoenix is performing in Glendale on July 15. Ticket sales will benefit the American Cancer Society. Five percent of the ticket sales will go towards SEVFAF's Christmas Party. Tickets are on sale for $40, $55 and $75. Reply to this email for tickets or questions.

Thank you for your help.



Maria Hass


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