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Speakers Showcase

From: Debra S.
Sent on: Thursday, March 10, 2016, 12:20 PM

I wanted to let you know about an exciting event I'm co-hosting with Catherine Mowbray-Lorenz and Christina Fleming on Saturday, April 16th from 10am to 3pm at Hera Hub in Mission Valley. The Speakers' Showcase is an opportunity for speakers to receive a professional video product, filmed in front of a live audience.

Speakers would give a 10 minute presentation, that would be filmed by Christina of Murasaki Media. There are two packages available. The end result is you'll have a professional video for your speaking site and to give to meeting or event planners. Here's the flyer: Speakers Showcase.pdf

Also included is an opportunity to have a private, in-person coaching session with Catherine, a professional speaker and presentation skills trainer. Catherine will also be giving you audience feedback forms, just for your presentation.

We are limiting attendance to 20 speakers.

If you're interested, you can register here:

We'd love to see you on April 16th!

Debra Simpson
[address removed]


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