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Updated St Louis Splunk User Group details - 6/4/15

From: Sherman S.
Sent on: Thursday, June 4, 2015, 11:36 AM


I have more details in the user group meeting listing, especially the door prizes.  There will be lots of fun, plus Envision is supplying Cardinals tickets that will be in the drawings as well as items supplied by Continuum.  You can't win if you don't attend!

We will also discuss how we will run the user group in the future and the goal is to make it more user friendly and more useful to you.  We need your ideas and experience to make this user group benefit you personally and your company as well.

If you can't attend but have ideas, please feel free to email me and I can add your ideas and experience in the mix.  We want it to be your user group and something that you want look forward to attending.

Also, if weekday nights aren't the best times for you, would Saturday afternoon or evening be better?  These are the types of things we want to talk about.

Thank for your interest and attendance!


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