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Vets 4 RP 2 March on WH! - Video

From: Zak C.
Sent on: Monday, February 13, 2012, 6:20 AM


Yours truly:) We march on February 20th - Please thank me for my service by watching and sharing the video, and I hope to see you there!
Many mainstream Republicans I've talked to want to like Ron Paul but are uncomfortable with his foreign policy and these same people will stop and listen when an explanation of support is coming from a veteran of "The War On Terror." We have an amazing opportunity to duplicate interviews like this one
On a massive level, both in regional media like that, And on the really big nationally syndicated shows where a huge impact can be made. This is one of the keys to winning the Republican nomination, and winning over those that support Ron Paul on everything but foreign policy has the potential to make it a Ronslide from here on out.
Adam Kokesh, spokesman of Veterans For Ron Paul, has passed the vetting for and just $300 will get Adam an interview on any one of the biggest shows in the country. Donate at and leave “MSM” as a comment, just $100 will get him on smaller and regional shows, and every smaller amount helps us get there!
Let’s really make Veterans For Ron Paul and this march a household discussion across the country and completely scare the crap out of the establishment!
To Victory!  Ron Paul 2012!

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