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SPSC Coed SOCCER on Sunday and SOFTBALL on Wednesday

From: Stephanie
Sent on: Monday, April 10, 2017, 11:39 AM

We can place 3 females for a coed soccer team on SUN in Southfield starting April 23rd. We have 3 females and 9 males now.

We can place 2 females and 3 males for a coed softball team on WED in Oak Park starting April 19th. We have 4 females and 5 males now.

We can place 1 female and 3 males on 4's coed sand volleyball teams on SUN in Southfield starting May 7th. We have 5 females and 3 males now.

Please register online as a free agent,

Thank you for your interest! Shirt below included with registration. We look forward to seeing you on the field/courts this spring! 



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