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🎇 A Milestone, Upcoming Events, and a Few Requests

From: David D.
Sent on: Sunday, July 2, 2017, 5:02 PM

Hello Everyone,

First and foremost, we'd like to wish everyone a happy, fun, and SAAF Fourth of July. 🎇 Big thanks to Colleen and everyone who attended her BBQ yesterday. We all had a blast!

And with the holiday, it's even more fantastic that we've just reached this wonderful milestone:

That's 1,500 followers on Facebook! If you aren't already, follow us there so you can keep current on our announcements and easily share them with your friends.

We also have 780 members through Meetup, and that makes this group pretty huge. In fact, we're the 4th largest meetup in Stockton!

Recognizing that you all love to share things and talk to each other, we've recently opened up a Closed Chat Room on Facebook. Share stories, ask questions, post something funny, get political. Just be nice!

📅 Upcoming Events

So what events are coming up? Glad you asked. Here's a just a few:

* July 7 - First Friday Dinner and Ice Cream (Lodi) / FB

* July 8 - Brunch and Atheism (Stockton) / FB

* July 15 - Da Vinci Exhibit at the Aerospace Museum / FB

* July 21 - Drinking Skeptically (Stockton) / FB

* August 5 - Highway Cleanup (Lodi) / FB

* August 26 - Stockton Pride Festival (+Booth) / FB

💁🏻 Requests

This group grows because of people like you, contributing your time and resources to making it better, hosting events, inviting your friends, and through your feedback.

We know that we have members in Galt, Tracy, and Manteca, but have struggled to get a monthly dinner or brunch going in those areas. If you live in either of these cities and would like to host a monthly event, please reply! It's easy, fun, and helpful to everyone around you.

Also, a few contributions go a long way. Running SAAF incurs a some costs, mostly insurance, marketing, and Meetup's annual fee. If you can, help chip in so we can increase our exposure and reach even more people in the valley.

And finally, don't forget to check our calendar and invite your friends. We'll see you at our events real soon.

-David, Co-Founder

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