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Re: [Storytellers-Realm-of-imagination] my last wish

From: Wade H.
Sent on: Sunday, February 28, 2010, 10:30 PM
Hey Judy,

   I know, I'm sorry, I've been really busy starting a new job.  I do respect your opinion, I just haven't had time to take care of it.  Alright, to speed things up can you send me a photo to use temporarily.  Then we can hold a contest and let the members vote on the new logo.  I still haven't even gotten around to telling everyone I had to move away.  Wow, you aren't kidding.  You really really hate those shoes.  Can I ask what that horrible experience was that they remind you of?

-----Original Message-----
From: judy lee <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sun, Feb 28,[masked]:39 am
Subject: [Storytellers-Realm-of-imagination] my last wish

wade if don't change the photo -the shoes - my pet peeves
I should quit the art group - I can only work untill march
find another organizer
I don;t understand why u don't respect my opinion

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