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Re: [Suncoast-Florida-Trail-Hiking] Activity leaders Needed:

From: user 1.
Sent on: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 3:40 PM
I am fairly new member of FTA and have not yet participated in any activities.? I do have a fair amount of hiking experience (20 years) and would be willing to help out.
I mostly do solo backpacking trips in the mountains, and I like to hike in Florida only when its cool and hunting season is over.? My gear is mostly ultralight.
I do not think I would be ready to be an activity?leader, but I?would be willing to?come along to help out.? I could certainly help newer hikers with their equipment and questions, etc.? So if you have any 1-2 night trips coming up in the winter, let me know.? I am also interested in doing the Ocala Trail this year in the winter.
John Elbare
Lutz, FL

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Tom <[address removed]> wrote:
As our group grows past 360 members we are in need of adding more activities so we can offer more, different types of hikes.

We use only Florida Trail activity leaders to lead our hikes. There is two reasons. The first reason is you know that the person that is leading the hike has experience and been trained or checked out to lead the activity. Also, the Florida Trail does carry insurance to cover any legal issues that may come up from leading a hike.

Activity leaders are volunteers, so as a activity leader you only have to lead the type of activities that you like to do yourself how ever often you like. If you like short, long, fast, slow, picture taking, or what every, then those are the type you can lead.

I know we have lots of members in our meetup that have the experience to lead. Please think about stepping up and becoming a leader.

Just e-mail me your question or to tell me you are interested.


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This message was sent by Tom ([address removed]) from Florida Suncoast Hiking & Backpacking Group.
To learn more about Tom, visit his/her member profile

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