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New Meetup: Holiday Jam

From: Nora
Sent on: Saturday, December 11, 2010, 4:22 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for South Pasadena Acoustic Musicians!

What: Holiday Jam

When: Sunday, December 26,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Douglas Kerr
3030 Surry St.
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Done with most holiday obligations, but not done with the merriment? Wanna lay down some tunes to reflect how you're feeling? Jam with other music-minded souls to re-awaken your joy if it's goin' a bit flat? Well, even if you're spirits are high, come join us at Doug and Linda's large hacienda in the hills for some holiday jammin' cheer.

Bring food! Bring songs to share! Whether you celebrate one specific holiday or another, all are welcome! If you'd like to sing songs that are reminiscent of your specific belief or non belief or love songs or whatEVA, come and play!

Oh, and also, if you could each bring a buck (one dollar) to help defray Meetup costs, that'd be cushie.

Thanks, all, for a wonderful year- and let's ring this one in with our special Spammer's Cheer! See ya theer!

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