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Cities: A global accessibility project for Wordpress themes

From: Lisa H
Sent on: Monday, November 5, 2012, 5:09 PM


Hi All,


Joseph O'Conner (@accessible Joe) from California and organiser of the LA Web Accessibility and Inclusive Design meetup has started a new initiative called 'Cities'. The main idea is for teams to produce accessible wordpress templates that represent the city in which that team lives.


Cities Goals 1. Form teams, make themes, use process to teach others how to do it directly and through documentation. 2. Put themes through WordPress approval process to make available in themes directory and so that reviewers have a better understanding of what to look for. 3. Place code in public repositories so others may benefit from it. 4. Generate interest in the need for accessible WordPress themes, and for accessibility in general. If you're interested in getting involved, please respond to this post. Just a brief Yes and a short outline of the role you'd like to take (e.g. designer, developer, tester etc) on the team will suffice for now. We can have as many people as we like involved. Cheers for now, Lisa

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