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TOMORROW! TampaDev Monthly Azure Meetup

From: Kate DeGutis L.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 8:58 PM

Please join us for our last monthly Azure meetup for 2017!

We will be taking the month of December off to relax with family and friends and we hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

(Monthly) Azure User Group: Getting Started with Azure Open Discussion by Greg


Webinar Link (For those out of the area or unable to join in person)
Note: Webinar will start broadcasting at 630pm

Meeting Agenda
6-630pm - Dinner & Open Discussion
[masked]pm - Presentation
730-8pm - Q&A

Getting Started with Azure Open Discussion

This is an open discussion forum with Greg Leonardo, an Azure MVP, answering questions about how to get started with using Azure within your organization or tips on what technologies to use. At the beginning of the session, I will take questions, we will then prioritize them, and I we work at answering them with using Azure Portal or Architectural diagrams. This discussion is focused on answering questions about how to get started with Azure and is not a prepared talk.



Greg Leonardo

I have been working in the IT industry since my time in the military. I'm a developer, teacher, speaker, and early adopter. I have worked in many facets of IT through out my career. I'm president of TampaDev, a community meetup, that runs #TampaCC, Azure User Group, Azure Medics, and various technology events throughout Tampa.


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