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Announcing the 2018 Timmy Award Finalists: It is now YOUR time to VOTE!

From: Coco L.
Sent on: Thursday, September 13, 2018, 3:33 PM

Hi Tech in Motion Silicon Valley!

We are excited to announce the finalists for Silicon Valley’s Third Annual Timmy Awards, and now it’s time for you to vote!

The Timmy Awards aim to recognize the best in tech in Silicon Valley and after weeks of receiving nominations, we’re excited to announce your finalists:




The 2018 Timmy Awards winners will be announced LIVE at our Awards Ceremony on Thursday, October 18th at the wonderful SAP Cafe Palo Alto (3410 Hillview Ave.). The evening will begin with drinks, hors-d'oeuvres, and interactive demos from the best of the best in Silicon Valley’s tech. Space is limited and starting to fill up fast, so make sure to RSVP today!

Who do you want to see on the winner's podium? Cast your vote now to decide!

We look forward to seeing you,

-Coco, Miranda, and the Tech in Motion team

PS: Are you interested in getting involved with the Timmy’s? We still have a variety of partnership and sponsorship opportunities available, so click here to learn more!


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