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Special Announcement from Tech in Motion and Task Papa

From: Chelsea
Sent on: Monday, August 29, 2016, 9:47 AM

Good Morning Tech in Motion!

We are excited to share an exclusive message from our sponsor Task Papa, your very own Virtual Assistant.


Introducing an exclusive Tech in Motion Promo Code and a NEW resource just for you:

Need to save time and money?

Ever wish you had a couple extra hands helping you become more efficient throughout your work week? Everyone needs more time to make their projects a reality. Use our friend Task Papa – the ideal virtual assistant of your dreams.

Why a Virtual Assistant?

1. Saves Money – Get billed only for the hours used. No need to worry about additional taxes or benefits.

2. Fill a Temporary Gap in the Company –Work with a Virtual Assistant between full-time employees to keep your business moving forward.

3. Virtual Assistants Provide Quality Service – Task Papa’s Virtual Assistants are always available and can accomplish anything that can be done virtually.

How will you save using Task Papa?

By working with a Task Papa Virtual Assistant, you’ll be saving time and money every day! (Task Papa covers all employment taxes and benefits too). Use the time to invest in your company, to go on a vacation, to market your brand and more.

Let Task Papa be your caring and understanding partner!

All of the assistants are based in Task Papa offices and managed in-house ensuring great results for each client.

Check out the Task Papa website or contact them to learn more today! (Email:[address removed] Phone:[masked]-TASKPAPA)

Use the promo code – TIMTP for FREE TRIAL AND 10% DISCOUNTS ON SIGN UP!





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