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Emily's Cafe Does Dinner

From: Don R.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 11:44 AM
(replies will go only to organizer)

This is just a little note to let the world know that Emily's Cafe & Desserts is now open for dinner Thursday - Saturday! Our new hours are as follows

Sunday: 9am - 2pm for brunch
Closed Monday & Tuesday
Wednesday: 10am - 4:30pm
Thursday - Saturday: 11am - 8pm

As usual, our dynamic vegan menu will be changing every day so we can bring you the freshest & most delicious entrees available!

Reservations for dinner are encouraged (but not necessary) due to our limited amount of seating and the addictiveness of our food!

And a big THANK YOU! for all our patrons & supporters, we love you guys!

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