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New Meetup: Dreams of Loved Ones Who Have Died

From: Isabelle M.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 3:48 PM
First, thank you so much for all the great ideas for meetup discussions that we have received. You guys have some really good ideas. However, I already announced this new topic at our last meetup, so I want to honor what I already told everyone. --Isabelle

Announcing a new Meetup for The Central Connecticut Spiritual Experiences Group!

What: Dreams of Loved Ones Who Have Died

When: Saturday, March 13,[masked]:30 AM

Whiton Memorial Branch Library
100 North Main Street
Manchester, CT 06042

Have you ever dreamed of a relative or friend who had died? How did it make you feel? What did you learn? Did the experience help you overcome the fear of death or give you a greater understanding of heaven, life-after-death, reincarnation, or divine love? Was your relationship with this person healed?

Dreams of loved ones who have died are very popular, and can be very moving, healing, and spiritual. In this meetup we will discuss this type of dream and what it can teach. We will also share techniques for contacting a departed loved one through the dream state.

The meetup will take place in the Manchester Whiton Library meeting room, upstairs. The same place we held our meetup in January. Hope to see you there!

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