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A new poll - and Sicilia in Summerville!

From: Erin
Sent on: Sunday, December 16, 2012, 10:02 PM

This will be short, as I know we're all busy with the holidays; just 2 things.

1) Please vote in the poll here about which kind of short classes you’d like to see. Then I’ll get busy scheduling classes starting in mid-January, including another beginner’s class, a Divertente 2 at Bacco, and maybe another Verb Drills. Please, please write me if you’re interested in a class, but have time/location restrictions. I can’t accommodate everyone, but I’ll try to arrange classes so they work the best for everyone’s schedules.

2) There are just 5 spots left for Summer in Sicilia, a party at Larry and Nancy’s place coming up on Sunday February 17th from 2-6:30 pm. Adults only please, and bring a dish to share! RSVP here.

Don’t worry about the lack of events on meetup right now – I’ll be adding a bunch this next week. I’d love to get a house party on the schedule for some time in January – maybe a New Year’s gathering – so let me know if you’re up for hosting!



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*Go to Il Tavolo’s Facebook page for discussion in Italian plus Il Tavolo news.

*Find upcoming events and connect with other Il Tavolo members on our meetup page.

*Improve your Italian with these great podcasts on podbean

*Find even more resources on Italian language and culture at

*You can always write me through or you can email me at [address removed].