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Tuesday's meetup... "The CIO survival guide: how and why AI is used in IT"

From: Dan T.
Sent on: Sunday, May 28, 2017, 1:04 PM

Hello "Future of AI in IT" meetup members,

We're excited about Tuesday's 9:00 AM PT event:

"The CIO Survival Guide: how and why AI is used in IT"

We have an excellent session planned and look forward to meeting many or you live or via webcast.

We're co-hosting the event with ServiceNow and will be using YouTube Live for remote members instead of the URL you received if you already registered.

Here's the link to use Tuesday at 9:00 AM PT:

As always, let us know if you have topics for future events or are interested in presenting at an upcoming meetup. Our next event is July 19. It's a panel of enterprise AI case studies and we're co-hosting it with the "Artificial Intelligence in Enterprise" meetup.

See you Tuesday!

-dan ([address removed], @dturchin,[masked])


When: Tuesday, May 30,[masked]:00 AM PT

Where: Palo Alto and via webcast



720 University Ave. Suite 200
Palo Alto, CA 94301