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**** Trail Work at Vicente Flats - Still Time to RSVP (Sept. 24th-25th) ****

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, September 19, 2011, 4:49 PM

Hi Everyone,

This Saturday (September 24th) is National Public Lands Day and I can't think of any better way to spend it than by signing up to do volunteer trail work.  And there is STILL time to sign-up for this weekend's trail maintenance work trip out at the Vicente Flat area in the southern Ventana Wilderness.  Come join us as the Monterey Bay Area Hiking Group, in collaboration with the Ventana Wilderness Alliance (V.W.A.) gathers to brush & clear the mid-to-upper reaches of the Kirk Creek Trail which runs between US Hwy 1 and Cone Peak Road and passing through beautiful Vicente Flat campground which will serve as our home base on the evening of Saturday, September 24th. 

There will be plenty of work to do including brushing, clearing, tree cutting, and tread work.  If you've never been out with a trail crew then you don't know the fun you're missing.  Volunteer trail work is a fun, fulfilling way to get out in nature with old and new friends, learn about wilderness traditions and tools, and give something back to the trails that make it possible for so many of us to enjoy our treasured wilderness and back country spaces.

If you're interested in signing up please contact me and I'll relay your RSVP to Mike Heard who will be the V.W.A. Trail Crew Leader for this weekend's outing.  Thank you! 

More details available here:


Robert Barringer
Monterey Bay Area Hiking Group

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