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Tips on composition...and spaces available in workshop tomorrow

From: Vickie L.
Sent on: Saturday, February 15, 2014, 2:44 PM

Dear Photographer,

I’m loving the peacefulness of the snow and the warmth of a fire today.I hope this finds you in a great place and that you are out taking some photographs.

Tomorrow, Sunday, I’m offering an important class on taking pictures. If you have never officially explored composition, please take advantage of this opportunity to learn some of the ways you can start making better pictures now.

There are so many simple ‘things’ you can do that dramatically create more interesting photos.Attached, you will find a photo of an iris I shot just a few weeks ago.

Some of the ‘rules’ I used to create a pleasing picture are:

1) Have your subject off-center

2) Create a ‘flow’ for the eye to follow

3) Have a clearly defined center of interest

4) Isolate a color palette

5) Use depth of field to convey a sense of mystery

6) Be aware of framing

7) Understand light and it’s impact on creating a feeling of softness and depth

Composition is complicated.

Making memorable pictures isn’t easy—but I can help you start taking better pictures tomorrow.

Check out the information and sign up on the meet up page, or here on my website:
See you tomorrow!Vickie Lewis

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Vickie Lewis


Touching hearts with photography for 30 years.

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