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RSVP soon to attend the Kosmodrome April 18

From: Dan A.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 10:32 PM

Take part in a mesmerizing journey with The Kosmodrome, a new motivational and immersive theater experience developed by Peak Performance Sciences and the organizers of The Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival. The event combines elements of science fiction cinema, light and sound for people who desire complete enhancement of their capabilities to unlock life's full potential. The free one-night only occasion will be held on April 18, 2018.

The Kosmodrome is a transformative power that evokes intense emotional states to replace years of negative conditioning with life enhancing flow experiences. With the aim of personal growth and connection to one's core values and beliefs, this experiential journey brings forth a world of wholeness and freedom. Utilizing the principles of science fiction film, the event offers a live and visceral experience through meta narratives as a reflection of reality. "It has been said that life is a stage and we are the actors in a cosmic drama," said Daniel Abella, the director of the event. "Inside the mind is a director and actor and The Kosmodrome puts them both to work by providing the fuel to break through our limiting beliefs and unlock the full story of one's own life."

RSVP soon to reserve your seat

[address removed]



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