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Busy on

From: Kevin G.
Sent on: Monday, February 24, 2014, 7:40 PM

Well guys, I try my hardest to plan something big at the beginning, middle and end of every month.  Sometimes the 4th Friday show and the first monday meet and greet are pretty close together and that happens to the case.  Mix in a little snow and postponing our big dance and our weekly Karaoke/trivia night and you've got a long week.

That being said, we have 2 people signed up for Trivia/Karaoke  I promise that there are always at least 10 people who DONT sign up, but that show up.  It's a lot of fun and an easy way to meet people in a low key no pressure environment.

As for the dance, looks like we're going to have at least 100 people out between my two events, that doesn't include the other groups that are cross promoting this event.  It should be HUGE and I'm excited about it.

Our 4th Friday comedy show is a great way to start your night out right.  It's over just in time for your night out in Raleigh to begin, also is a GREAT organization to promote.

Finally, next Monday we have our meet and greet.  Numbers for this are surprisingly low, I feel like it has to do with the fact that we're already doing so much this week.  This is always a really fun time and one of the best ways to meet people.  It's also pretty much the only thing to do on a Monday night.


If you haven't RSVP'd for the events and are planning on coming, please let us know.  If you need to change your RSVP's as can happen, update those as well.  Looking forward to a killer week with all of you.

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