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New Meet-up: DanceWorks | DW186 Fortier Danse-Création - Cabane!

From: Justin H.
Sent on: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 5:00 PM
Check this out at: http://www.harbourfro...

A powerful duet, Cabane is created and performed by Paul-Andr? Fortier and multidisciplinary artist musician Rober Racine. With visual images by Robert Morin and lighting by John Munro, the elegant, riveting Fortier and the mischievous Racine turn everyday objects into impromptu instruments, generating surreal encounters in a provocative, amusing work.
"Fortier's elegantly reiterated movements were utterly mesmerising ... ending on a vibrantly spirited note that prompted a more than well-deserved ovation." ? The Spectator (London)

*You must purchase tickets in advance for this event* Try and get seats in Row EE

Here is the link to buy your tickets: http://tickets.harbou...

Regular Ticket: $33.50
Student/Senior Ticket: $22.50

We will post a meet up spot close to the event. See you there!

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