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What we’re about

This group is a social community for women who are interested in personal development, self-growth, psychology and meaningful conversations. We are Happy Women who love to get together and in women’s circle learn something new, share our experience and knowledge, have lively discussions, find new friends and soul sisters. We are Dreamers, Doers, and Achievers!
We will build this group and our interests together. It’s a unique community and each and every girl is going to be a creator bringing her individuality.
Our events are mostly going to be practical workshops, creative evenings and interesting discussions to help support each other in personal development and relationships. Once in a while we will go out together to drink wine, margaritas or check out some interesting places and just have a great time together.
Our goal is for women to come together, share their experiences, challenges, resources and knowledge in a safe and fun environment.

Topics we are interested in:
• happiness and success,
• confidence and self-belief,
• personal effectiveness, time management, goal-setting
• relationships, dating tips,
• career development,
• vocation and mission,
• positive thinking,
• meditation and mindfulness,
• dreaming and creating,
• health, beauty and well-being

Let’s empower each other in creating the life we love!