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New Meetup: The Short Notice Last6 minute ride this Sunday at 11:00AM

From: user 9.
Sent on: Thursday, April 1, 2010, 8:01 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Toronto Bike Meetup!

What: The Short Notice Last6 minute ride this Sunday at 11:00AM

When: Sunday, April 4,[masked]:00 AM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

I hear it is going to be nice this weekend and that is worth a 20 k NICE AND SLOW AND NOT TOO MANY HILLS RIDE hahaheheheheeh

The first 5 who show up will get a lube job on their chains.

Let me know where you think we should meet. If we get at least three people who want one location, we will start there.

Come one, come all
even if you are short or like me, quite tall

If Your bike is beutifull and even if it is not,
Come out for a ride and give it a shot.


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