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Announcing May Meetup, The Hatchery, and a party

From: Holly C.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 24, 2012, 11:09 PM

Our next meetup will feature founder of MyCityWay / NYCWay ( to tell their founder stories and share their learnings in building their product and company.

When: Wednesday, May 9, 6:30 PM

Where: The Hatchery, 500 Seventh Avenue; 17th Floor


MyCityWay is a real time mobile app designed to transform your hand held device into a mega-utility tool for navigating the urban scene. By combining urban reference apps and platforms with vital urban information, MyCityWay helps you pilot and explore the world's cities like never before. They're the grand winner of the first NYC BigApps competition, covered by New York Times, Mashable, Forbes, WSJ, Techcrunch, and won AppyAwards for best Travel Apps 2012.

Sonpreet Bhatia has a passion for Internet entrepreneurism and is an expert in the field of technology, IT and mobile apps. Thanks to a stroke of inspiration at a Manhattan coffee shop, Sonpreet and her business partners took their love of urban living to a whole new level when they came up with the idea for MyCityWay. Before founding MyCityWay, Sonpreet worked for eleven years on Wall Street in senior positions.

Learn how to take an idea to market, stand out from a crowded mobile app space, and quit your wall street jobs to make it to stratup stardom. Network with follow startup entrepreneurs and industry folks in travel, social media, and social commerce. As always, we'll have beer!


We're also super excited to announce our new sponsor The Hatchery. Our event will be at Hatchery's new space -- 16,000 SF of tech companies and collaborative community environment! They're taking submissions to be in a space with investors, serial entrepreneurs, and a new approach to company support -- revenue (Check out the Sweat Fund). It's an amazing space, so get in before it fills up!

If you are interested, they're happy to give a tour.  Please fill out a few things here: or contact them at [address removed].

Last but not least, our meetup member Amy Schrier is launching ( – a new digital platform that promises to be a dynamic portal into the heart of humanitarianism, travel and volunteering. The launch party is on Wed, May 2, 7-10pm at Rooftop of the Hotel Chantelle. Normally it costs $20, but as a member of Travel 2.0 Meetup, you get to party for free:

Hope to see you soon at the next meetup!



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