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Your discount code for NC Open Pass and CityCamp NC

From: Jason H.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 9:38 PM

Hello Triangle Brigade members,

Pardon the interruption, but if you like to save money, we've got a $5 savings for you to register for NC Open Pass or CityCamp NC. Why? Because you're an awesome civic hacker. We'd love to see your participate in one of our events. Here's how:

For NC Open Pass (which includes CityCamp NC, NC DataPalooza, and a discount code to All Things Open) go to:

And use discount code: BRIGADE5OFF

If you are only interested in CityCamp NC, that's easy too. Visit and use the same discount code: BRIGADE5OFF

We can't wait to see you at one of our events. Bring your ideas and help us advance the civic hacking movement in NC.


Jason Hibbets

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