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What we’re about

How do we awaken here and now as everyday people?

Trillium Awakening is not just about awakening to the Mystery of our Infinite Nature. It’s also about awakening into life, our bodies, our issues, and conscious relatedness. 

The South Jersey Trillium Awakening group is led by Allan Morelock (, Gena Netten  (, and Jim Trofatter (, all of whom are certified Trillium Awakening teachers. 

Our gatherings, called sittings, will include silent meditation, mutual gazing meditation, and conscious sharing in a setting that facilitates profound trust.

We offer compassionate listening to each other as we explore integrated awakening together, and we practice acceptance in Being with whatever is happening in the moment, without pressure to redirect things or "fix" ourselves. Transformation happens readily and organically through the wisdom of Being, in each person’s right timing.

Join us and give yourself the chance to steep in a sacred space dedicated entirely to the deepening recognition of all that we are, as a platform for individual and collective evolution.

You may have an extensive spiritual history, or little, or none. We welcome you to join this collaborative exploration of integrated awakening!


The Trillium is a wildflower with three petals that emerge in perfect symmetry, reflecting the three facets of the Trillium path -- Consciousness, Embodiment, and Mutuality.

We encourage you to read a little about this work before attending one of our gatherings so you have some context and can optimize your experience. In particular, we recommend you...

1) Explore these recommended resources







2) Set up a free 30-60 minute exploratory conversation and decide whether this work resonates for you.

These conversations can take place by Zoom, Skype, or phone. If you wish to attend sittings with Allan and/or Gena, please reach out to Gena at or schedule with her at If you wish to attend sittings with Jim Trofatter, please reach out to Jim at to schedule with him.