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Startup Boost Pre-Accelerator - Application Deadline September 17th

From: Sonya
Sent on: Saturday, September 8, 2018, 2:14 PM
Hey there!

I'm the Los Angeles Program Manager with Startup Boost Pre-Accelerator. I wanted to share some info about us and our open applications for the Fall cohort. Deadline to apply is September 17th.

Startup Boost, the world’s most global reaching tech pre-accelerator, is running another Los Angeles program this Fall with applications currently open until September 17th. We currently have programs running in cities around the world (LA, NYC, London, Toronto, Seattle, Detroit, & Dublin) and are designed to help pre-seed and seed stage startup companies achieve Acceleration, Investment, and/or Revenue (AIR).

The program takes no fees or equity and utilizes a model with a proven track record. In LA alone, the alumni have gone on to raise $42+ million and gain acceptance into the top accelerators like YC, Techstars, Mucker Labs, Plug n Play, & 500 Startups.

To learn more and apply, please go to Startup Boost Applications !

Sonya Tateosian
Program Manager
Startup Boost LA

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