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How your work at Baldwin Park pays off!

From: Laura K.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 6:06 PM
Hi everyone,
I'd like to take a moment to share two "Happy Beginnings" with you -- and two examples of how your work on behalf of the Baldwin Park dogs is paying dividends.
1. Some of you may remember little Raquel, who arrived at the Baldwin Park Shelter as part of a hoarding case in September.
Raquel was part of the first transport of little dogs Ric organized to New York, and, if you can believe it, her adoption was set in motion before she even arrived based on her photo and video. While Raquel was adopted through a local rescue in New York, just today we received a thank you card and a donation from her new family, expressing their thanks to us for the part we played in sending them their new family member. The message reads:
"We want to thank you so much for saving our little dog we recently adopted. We love her dearly. She came to us with the name of Raquel (A[masked]). We renamed her Chole. We had to put our dog to sleep due to health issues and our home did not seem complete without a dog. So on October 31st my daughter went and picked her up at Dawn's Canine Rescue in Falconer, N.Y. Coming from California she does well in the snow. Have a wonderful Holiday Season!"
I hope that you find this note, and the gratitude it expresses, as touching as I do.
2. Remember Marley and Joshey, the sweet bonded pair from our last photo session?
Marley.jpg? Joshey.jpg
Marley and Joshey
These sweet boys were inseparable. Knowing how hard it can be to get two dogs (especially larger ones) adopted together, we deliberated while standing under the EZUP on how to best market them. We decided to do individual videos for both pups, and then to also do one of them together. This way, we thought, they'll get maximum coverage and can go separately or together. (Many thanks to Andra for making the executive decision to upload and label all three videos!) This approach worked, and the videos of these two boys caught on.?A nice adopter came to the shelter and told a kennel attendant he wanted to meet "the bonded pair." Imagine that! An adopter shows up at a shelter with 350 dogs, asks to meet "the bonded pair," and the kennel attendant he speaks with knows exactly which dogs the man is talking about! I'm happy to say Marley and Joshey went home together.
While sometimes we get to see the outcome for the dogs we work with at the shelter, often we don't. For me, these two examples show illustrate that our work is paying off in ways that aren't always visible. Thank you all for your contributions! It is a privilege to work with such a great team.
Hope to see you at our next two events -- our adoptione event on 12/18 and our photoshoot at the shelter on 12/19!