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SOL Food Festival Saturday 10am-6pm with Santa Barbara Vegan Meet up and demo by vegan chef Greg Arnolf from LA

From: Hilary K.
Sent on: Friday, September 27, 2013, 3:54 PM

Hi Everyone!

This is a friendly reminder that we will be out at the SOL food festival this Saturday (tomorrow!) from 10am-6pm at Plaza Vera Cruz Park, next to the downtown farmers market on Cota and Santa Barbara.

We will have our own booth where we will demonstrate that a vegan diet can be truly Sustainable, Organic and Local.  There will be educational literature and food samples.  We have also turned it into a "meet up" so please come by and bring something to share if you can. We would love help with tabling so everyone has a chance to check out the rest of the booths and activities at the event.  Also - there will be a food demo by LA chef Greg Arnold (former head chef of Sage Organic Bistro) at 4:30 pm at the Cooking with Sol stage in the French Press Parking lot.

To help with tabling, please let us know if you can be there in one or two hour increments between 10am-6pm. If you can't commit - please just stop by and say hi and/or bring some food to share.

Our Booth will be located along the Santa Barbara Street side between the Oasis Stage and the Making Change Stage (making change is near the playground)
For tabling:

6-6:30is for break down/clean up:

If you know you can help and would like to select a time - please let us know. One hour or 1/2 hour increments are ok too- just come on by! 

Looking forward to seeing you there!




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