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See you Wednesday, Sept. 15th @ 6pm

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 8:13 AM
Stock Trading 101 - Wednesday, Sept. 15th @ 6pm

Gordon Biersch
750 South Rampart Blvd. Suite 16
Boca Park
Las Vegas, NV 89145

Let's Play a Stock Trading Game

Everybody says you can make money in an upward market. Do you think you can make money in a downward market or even a sideways market? The answer may suprise you!

Have you ever heard of the game Cashflow 101? How about Cashflow 202? We will be playing just the stock cards from the Cashflow 202 game. We will be learning how to accumulate wealth in the stock market no matter which way the market is moving.

Everybody knows it is better to pratice learning these skills in a simulation game first. It doesn't matter if you have played Cashflow before or not, the rules are changing and everyone will be at the same level. COME PLAY FOR FREE!

We will be learning about 3 key points while playing the game...
1. Accumulate Wealth - no matter which way the stock market is moving
2. Selling Short
3. Options - simple puts and calls

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