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HOT topic

From: Mike
Sent on: Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 9:50 AM
A quick (really!) note to let you know that we have figured out the logistics for this Sat's hike: Meet at 10 am, at Americana Park, Annandale, VA. (From Little River Tnpk just west of Beltway, turn left on Pineridge Dr, then left at Accotink Pkwy, and follow to park entrance: For pick-up at W Falls Church Metro, let me know.


Dress warmly and expect mud on your shoes as we examine the environmental impact of the HOT-lanes expansion of the Beltway on an important local stream system. It's not a pretty sight/site.




Sat. Jan 24. Accotink Creek. This easy hike (about 4 miles or 0.8 blisters, very moderately paced) will focus on the impacts of road projects and other construction on local stream valleys and watersheds. We'll look at the effects of the expansion of I-495 to implement the High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes, the recently built paved trail, and a natural surface footpath; discuss impervious surfaces and how they affect natural areas, including sedimentation and run-off, and ways to mitigate those effects or find better solutions (It’s sedimentary, my dear Watson.); and talk about how to identify, document, and report construction-related pollution events.


Guest will be Jeanette Stewart, founder of Lands and Waters, a local nonprofit dedicated to environmental advocacy. As an option, we’ll continue the conversation at a nearby eatery after the hike. Meet at 10 AM, but for meeting location and additional details, I’ll send an email and post on the WS around the 11th, when we figure it out. Leaders are Kris Unger and yours truly.



Coming up: Sat. Feb. 21. Hazel Mountain Circuit. Strenuous winter hike (about 4 blisters) in Shenandoah National Park. More info to come or check website.

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