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Re: [Wanderlust-Motorcyle-Club] A Thanksgiving message...

From: Kim A
Sent on: Friday, November 28, 2014, 9:37 AM
Happy "I can't believe I ate that much food yesterday" day. I'm thankful for the experiences and people who have brought me to this stage in my life -- both entertaining and challenging. I thank my two-wheeled family for accepting me and my third wheel, but not treating me like a third wheel. :-) Thanks for being who you are, both on and off the road. Keep the laughter loud and free.


I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than to teach ten thousand stars how not to dance.
~E.E. Cummings

From: Mike Turner <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Thursday, November 27,[masked]:34 AM
Subject: [Wanderlust-Motorcyle-Club] A Thanksgiving message...

Good Morning and "Happy Thanksgiving" to all in our Wanderful Motorcycle community!
As the years tick by we, I,  become more thankful for all the blessings we have in this day and age. Here are just a few of mine;
I am very thankful to have Vivian in my life, and her little dog too! I am thankful for my health. For my 3 excellent children and 3 grand kids. For my ex wife and her huge family which I have always been a part of (thanks again Vivian for your understanding!) I am very Thankful to all the Wanderlust members and all of the motorcycle people we run into and share the road with. I am thankful to live in rare place on this planet where we can ride almost 365 days a year because of the weather, although we could use some RAIN!
Ever since I joined SMR way back in May of 2008 I have been at times somewhat overwhelmed with the comrade of all the groups. The zest for fun and good times. The egerness to join a great cause. Like the Toy ride Nancy and Eddie put on every year. But mostly to joy and fun we have whenever we get together! The relationships these clubs forge is Amazing to me. It's the Love. The marriages. The rides. The memories....
I am so Thankful for each and every One of YOU!
Hoping all of you have a Wanderful Thanksgiving!
Mike Turner,
Organizer - Wanderlust M/C.

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