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WSFA First Friday Meeting (Virginia)

From: user 5.
Sent on: Friday, October 5, 2012, 5:08 AM

Greetings All:

Quick reminder.  Tonight is our First Friday WSFA Meetup at the Scheiner's in Virginia.  A couple of notes:

1.  The actual WSFA Meeting starts about 9:00 PM.  You should expect to arrive around 8:30 to socialize and familiarize yourself with the space.

2.  Refreshments in the form of sodas will be provided.  Chips and other munchies are generally brought by members to share.  If you forget or have none, a small donation is appreciated.

3.  If you do not have transportation, call ahead of time and coordinate (messages sent to the Meetup group is another means to ensure you have transport).  If you need a ride to Metro after the party ends, please arrange that soon after you arrive so that you are not left wanting at "closin' time".

4.  I know it feels strange, but do not ring the doorbell, just walk in.

5.  The party after the meeting usually runs past midnight.

Have fun.

John Madigan
WSFA Meetup Organizer

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