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Steering Commitee Meeting

From: user 2.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 7:26 PM
Hi everyone. I set up this meeting for the DC RPG group but I want to invite everyone from the NoVa D&D group as well seeing as how the groups are now siblings and I am the organizer of both. I would like to see you folks come out for this.

Over the past few months things have really started to move ahead. Now is the time to look to the next year and plan what to do and where to go. I'd like to invite each and every one of you, to join me for dinner and a drinks and talk about what we have done right, what we have done wrong, what we can do better, and what we should do in 2008 to market the group, network with other groups, attract new members, satisfy existing members, etc.

If you have any opinions, good or bad, this is your chance. If you want to help or bitch, either is fine by me, just avail yourself of this opportunity to be heard and have a stake in the group. I truly want as many of you to get involved as possible and I always try my best to accommodate all concerns and requests. If you are an organizer of any other gaming groups (Meetup or otherwise), or know anyone who is, please attend (or get them to attend).

Once I see what the level of interest is, I will contact a restaurant for reservations. Thank you in advance to all who attend and take a hand in helping our group!

Please RSVP here.

PS-Don't forget the February RPGala!
February RPGala

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