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November 27: Capturing speed of User Experience using UserTiming API

From: Alyssa U.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 13, 2018, 7:31 AM

Hey, speeders!

Getting ready for our session with Sergey Chernyshev: "Capturing speed of User Experience using UserTiming API" on November 27 at 6:30PM.

Please sign up if you didn't yet and update your RSVPs if you can't attend.

Also, we've encountered some problems when setting up the event. Payment was set to cash instead of card. If you haven't settled your payment yet, please update your RSVP by choosing "No" (clicking the X button) and then click Going again.

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience!

Once again, Meetup is hosting us - here's their address:


632 Broadway
9th floor
New YorkNY

You can use this link for directions on Google Maps:
Entrance StreetView:

Our Sponsors:

  • Fastly ( is the only CDN that gives businesses complete control over how they serve content and the ability to cache frequently changing content at the edge.
  • Catchpoint's ( end-user experience monitoring provides complete visibility into users’ experiences from anywhere to detect and fix issues faster.

The doors will open at 6:30PM. See you there!


Alyssa and Sergey


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