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Free lessons, deals and New Years

From: Tom L.
Sent on: Monday, December 19, 2011, 9:03 PM

Hi All,

We still have a few spots for New Years up at the Wedeln Ski Club.  Due to the limited space there is a $52 deposit required.  If you have any questions about the weekend or the festivities just email myself or Jonathan (event leader).

The week after New Years the Wedeln Ski & Outdoors Club will host  "Learn to Ski/Ride Weekend". Several area mountains have FREE beginner lessons/rental/lift deals so be sure to check out

Veteran skier/ridings will also help out after your initial lesson with additional pointers and encouragement.  Many of our ski club members did not start skiing/riding until later in life.  I rode my first lift at age 25, now I go snowboarding almost every weekend in winter. We all had to start sometime and "Learn to Ski/Ride Weekend" is the perfect chance to check out a new sport. Come on up and bring a friend or two.

Happy Holiday and I hope to see you soon,





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