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Feedback so far.

From: turkbroda
Sent on: Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 11:15 AM

So after a day of replying to emails. I have some ideas that I want to bounce off the group for evaluation and opinion. I am just reporting ideas, and not commenting on them too much.


  • Geek Trivia:  People really  like this idea:  we just to find a place and a Quizmaster. I will email a few people to see what we can set up.
  • The Avengers Movie.  13 May ( a week after opening week to avoid crowds).
  • Space Program Mars:
  • Geek Swap meets/exchange- we would need a space to do this.
  • Geek Dinner.- both dining out and "Nerd Pot Luck"
  • Indy Game night.
  • Synching up with the Westchester Gamers for boardgames, perhaps in a bar and not in a comic book store.
  • People like the current movie nights in general.
  • Arkham/Decent./Dune/Avalon Hill's Civilization  long game days.


Any thoughts or ideas?  Remember to use facebook and google + to help facilliate the exchange of ideas.


Another thing to think about is location.  Where do you think these things can be done.   There is a coffee shop in Marmroneck (Mozart ?) which might work, according to some input.  But ideas for locations would be great.




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