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Geek Trivia Night

From: Dina
Sent on: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 5:54 PM

Hey all! I'm in the thick of things putting together more questions for Trivia Night on August 8. As of now, we are still set for Pete's Saloon at 7pm.
I need question ideas! We want our winner to to show off a high score in the 80s or 90s... so let me know what you're into, or what should be banned from Trivia all together :-)
Remember, Trivia Night is for YOU, so talk to me about what you like and what types of questions you'd like to see. Be as specific as you want - I can always edit. You can either reach me via Facebook ( or email @ [address removed]
Thanks everyone! Hope to see you on the 8th!

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