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From: Miriam
Sent on: Saturday, October 14, 2017, 4:37 PM

Hi there, Wild People!

Halloween is just two weeks away! We're getting pretty excited!

Many of our wildest members already have their costume planned and tickets purchased!  A big thank you to those who purchased tickets early - it's you that makes these events possible.   If you haven't gotten around to grabbing your ticket, this is a reminder to get on to it.  We like to know numbers as early as possible as it makes planning much easier.



Our headlining band, Howl at the Moon, said to say hello and to let you know they're really looking forward to the show.  They've got their costumes planned and are ready to get spooky!

Dj Damien Mac is hard at work planning music to get the dance floor cooking.  It's going to be one hell of a haunted Halloween dance floor!

Bruno from AVFX has some great lighting and FX planned, complete with smoke machine and UV lighting to make our ghostly costumes glow.

Bar Open is really hyped for the event - I think they're really going to be blown away by our costumes.  If the costume turn-out is anything like our previous events, this is going to be quite a spectacle!

See you all there!!!


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