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From: GiGi W.
Sent on: Thursday, September 19, 2013, 10:35 AM
In honor of George Harrison Day, coming up this Sat, 9/21 (!), we'll also play from our George Harrison songbook too. So please bring that tonight too.
Don't worry. It's basically the same George Harrison songbook we did back in February except I've updated the cover and included Illinois State Press Release of 'George Harrison Day' and Table of Contents.
Also, our Theme song wasn't in the songbook so here too, is our Theme song.
Total of 4 new pages.
See you tonight. Aaarrr!
GiGi Wong-Monaco, 
Founder/Organizer/Bookings/Solo or Group Performances/Ukulele Lessons
'Chicagoland's most 'seriously fun' Ukulele group!'
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