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Great Meetup!

From: Amanda G.
Sent on: Thursday, February 16, 2012, 12:54 PM
Thanks to all who came out to the meetup last night. We had a super informative presentation by Ted Roche on backups (and more importantly - restores!). His slides and an outline are available on his site:

Seeing as we have not met for some time and we have had an influx of new members, I would like to get some feedback as to where and when are good to meet and, of course, what we should talk about. Please take a moment and answer these 3 poll questions. You will need to be logged in to, I believe. You can give as many answers as you like for each of the 3 questions.

What nights of the week are you generally available to meet?

Where would you be willing to attend a meetup?

What kind of content would be likely to bring you out to a meetup?

Thank you! I look forward to seeing you at a future meetup and I welcome any and all suggestions for what to cover in our meetings.

Amanda Giles
[address removed]