From: user 6.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 7, 2012, 10:30 AM
FYI - I can't go but it looks like a great show!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: tripp mikich <[address removed]>
Date: Tue, 6 Mar[masked]:15:10 -0800 (PST)
To: Jessica<[address removed]>
ReplyTo: tripp mikich <[address removed]>
Cc: tripp mikich<[address removed]>
Subject: World Music Group Announce for Musaique - Music Without Boundaries

Hi Jessica: Hope this works for you and the group.  Thanks so much...Tripp

Direct form the Middle East in their only US Concert!
Musaique: Music Without Boundaries
Building Musical Bridges of Peace
Across the Middle East

Friday, March 23rd  8pm
Jewish Community Center - San Francisco
3200 California Street
Tickets $10 Students, $15 General

Musaique - Music Without Boundaries, an exciting evening of traditional and original songs from the rich cultures and great faiths of the Middle East, performed and sung from deep within the roots of that region by ten artist/peacemaker/musicians of the Middle East.

Not just another group, Musaique's mission is "to use music as a tool for healing the pain and suffering of our region (the Middle East), and to create a brighter future."

Musaique members are Jordanian, Israeli, Palestinian, Egyptian, Muslim, Christian and Jewish, using their beautiful and diverse traditions to musically promote cooperation and  understanding.

Performing sacred songs, traditional village music, and original compositions on both classical and modern instruments, Musaique is an inspiring and enchanting musical call for peace from the Middle East.  Members include noted musicians from Jordan, Israel, Egypt, and Palestine, some of them live and online sensations in their own musical pursuits (see links to bios below).

Please join us for this exciting evening of musical exploration, celebration and sharing.

For more information, please contact  URI at [masked] or email [address removed]
For tickets: JCC-SF Box Office  [masked], or
For video links, music, and other downloads, go to
Facebook at Musaique (Group) or Musaique SF
and Meetup at

BIOS: (links highlighted to video performances)

Musaique members on this tour (there are over 40 internationally) include:

Palestinian Geroge Kandalaft (oud) is a graduate of the Jerusalem Academy of Music, and plays with a number of bands and orchestras in the classical Arabic music scene. He also has a deep interest in using music to connect people of different cultures. He's played with the Arabic-Jewish band in Haifa and the Arab-Jewish Youth Orchestra, the White Flag Project and more.

Jordanians Basel Khoury (guitar & Arab vocals, as well as drums, percussion & piano) and Atef Malhas (guitar & sax), who both perform with Vengo, a popular Jordanian group from Amman with a Spanish/Gypsy/Latin dance flavor;

Egyptian Nancy Mounir (violin & Egyptian ney) has performed with the hardcore Massive Scar Ear Band and the workshop "Remix" that included 20 musicians from the Middle East under the direction of Grammy winner Fathi Salama. She's performed throughout the Middle East and Europe.

Tai Nakritin (buzuki) from Israel, he plays European folk, Gypsy, Persian and western music. He plays with a number of music groups and theaters.

Israeli Dvir Cohen Eraki (Hebrew vocals) may already be known to some around the Bay Area. He is son of a family of cantors who sing liturgical poems from the Jewish traditions of Yemen (similar to the great Ofra Haza). He performs sacred poetry with a unique combination of ancient and modern sounds that bring to mind the great Qawwali singer Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. He also sings with Diwan Saz, a group known for its modern renderings of beautiful Sufi and other folk songs of the region.

Sharon Kolton (percussion), an Israeli, has performed with a number of international groups, and in the past few years her focus has been on performances that have a mission of bringing about global peace. She is a member of the Peace Research Village - Middle East, committed to developing sustainable community models in crisis areas.

Lee Ziv (hang drum), Musaique co-founder, is an Israeli peace activist, dedicating her life to building bridges of peace between people in the Middle East. She started out in the Sulha Peace Project, which works to bring together people of the Abrahamic faiths in Israel and Palestine,and has worked with the Tamera Community in Portugal, a peace research and sustainable community.

Meira Segal (Turkish ney and Santur) started out as a child learning Baroque, classical and Renaissance music, but was gradually drawn to the traditional music of the region, where she studied sacred music and dance under Sufi masters in Turkey. She plays with a number of groups, mixing Gypsy, Arabic, Greek, Turkish and Persian sounds. She also teaches Arabic music in Israel, encouraging a mutual language of music among the Israelis and Palestinians.

Kate Bunney (English vocals) from the United Kingdom, is a producer, organizer and event facilitator who brings together local and global initiatives to create a peaceful and sustainable world. She produces an annual international music festival in Europe of musicians using their skills to build and bring about peace inthe world. She has established training centers throughout the Middle East on alternative technologies, ecology, and community building.

Call[masked] x18 for info.
Here are some relevant links: Concert info with downloads, videos, etc
http://www.musaique.o... Their home page with music samples Shot in 2010, a very brief intro to what Musaique's about and their work. Fun to watch! George Kandalaft, Musaique's Palestinian oud player Dvir Cohen Eraki performing with Diwan Saz.