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Saturday: Blizzard of 2010 Snowball Fight and Snowman Festivities!

From: Rhys
Sent on: Thursday, February 4, 2010, 9:42 PM
Weather reports indicate Washington, DC could have a snowfall of historic proportions this Saturday -- perhaps as much as 24 inches...

While some folks will be hunkered down in their houses clutching their canned goods, CarbonfreeDC invites you to make the best of it by getting together to have a glorious day of snowman making and snowball fights! With the roads closed and the city shut down, this is the perfect chance to jump on the Metro, get outside and be a kid again! :)

So grab some friends (or make some new ones) and come celebrate the blizzard of 2010 with a fun day in the snow! You bring your hat and gloves, CarbonfreeDC will supply the hot chocolate (and bathrooms) less than a block away.

Spread the word and invite the neighborhood! RSVP here:

At the huge snowy field one block south of 236 R St NE, Washington, DC, 20002

Directions from Metro:
236 R St NE is a 10 minute walk from the New York Ave Metro Stop on the Red Line.

Google Map Directions

Exit the metro stop and exit towards Florida Avenue. Walk north on 2nd St NE one block and then turn left at New York Avenue. Walk two blocks and then turn right onto Eckington St. Walk one block. The field will be on your right.

Questions? E-mail Rhys Gerholdt at [address removed]; if you're on your way and are having problems finding the field, call his cell at[masked].

Please remember to RSVP here: